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Useful ThingsRussian version

How to kill banners

      If you are using hosting and you don't like banners on your pages, you can kill them by:

  • Adding this code in <body> tag: onLoad=javascript:setTimeout("if(window.navigator.appName=='Netscape')st.b.visibility='hidden';else{'hidden';}clearTimeout(st.t);",300); Works both with Internet Explorer and Netscape Communicator.
  • New! Or adding in <head> area: <script language=javascript> var fn="lala";</script> and in <body>: onLoad="javascript:if(fn!='lala'){clearTimeout(st.t); if(document.layers) st.b.visibility='hidden'; else if('hidden';}". It is the best variant.
  • Or you can do it easier: write tag <xml> in the most end of your pages. Doesn't work with Netscape <=4.5 :(

    How to rename recycle bin

         Simply run this script (286 bytes) and refresh. You can edit this script with any text editor as you like.

    How to hangup an OS

         Simply run this program (4 bytes)
    System requirements:

  • Intel Pentium Processor
  • Windows*, Dos*, etc.

  • Win9x & Dos hangup at once, NT - slow. *nix systems were not tested.

    Last modified
    Designed byVK

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